Secuserve is a pure player of the SaaS industry – i.e. offering services that are outsourced and in the Cloud – in email filtering and collaborative messaging. What is a pure player? Pure player is an American English term defining a company that started operating on one specific industry and which is still operating on that same industry. Our activity is focusing exclusively on designing, producing and offering outsourced services related to the SaaS (Software as a Service) industry as well as the technical support that may be required. Our datacenters enable Secuserve to offer specialized online services such as: email filtering (SMTP relay, anti-virus software, anti-spam) and collaborative messaging. Secuserve is not a hosting provider renting spaces to host servers or applications of any kind. Secuserve is not a software vendor that develops email filtering and messaging software which also sells its products on servers in the cloud. The services we offer in terms of email filtering and messaging systems are designed to operate only in the Cloud within specific infrastructures. In addition, they benefit from a dedicated and specific administration console. Secuserve does not develop software it rather develops entire systems.
Messaging: our core business
Since the Secuserve Research Lab has been set up it has been focusing on SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) software development and every field related to messaging systems and secure solutions for these systems: SMTP relay, anti-virus filtering, anti-spam filtering, email content analysis, message storing and archiving, mail user agents, webmails, file sharing, instant messaging, etc. Except for our Administrative staff, every employee – research and sales engineers – is specialized in messaging systems and email security solutions.

Living in the cloud
Secuserve specificity is to design fully outsourced systems and infrastructures to be useful to as many people as possible(multi-user, multi-customers, multilingual). This entails stringent requirements in terms of flexibility, backing up, monitoring, availability and security. Secuserve has been dealing with industrializing and producing SaaS for more than 10 years. We therefore benefit from great experience which gives us an edge on regular software vendors involved in messaging or email filtering.